
Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Some of the plants died after we transferred them to a plant box. We will make multiple hypothesis' using the evidence that we see in the plant box. The dead plants ad sticks that were surrounding the plant seems to have been removed as if dug up. A few weeds grow on/near our plants which also seems to be the cause of death. The actual living plants seems to be very small and struggling to live suggesting that it's resources have been taken.
The removal of mesh caused the plants to become exposed to the elements and allowing weeds to grow taking over the plants water and sunlight.
We are going to do an experiment to figure out the reasons about why our crops died. For the experiment we are going to plant 3 plants with different amounts of mesh, one with no mesh, one with a little mesh, and one with a ton of mesh. We are going to try to see if the amount of mesh effects the growth of the plant. We will check everyday to see the effects of the mesh.